Although I suppose you gotta be a bit of both.
I like learning about things, new things, not neccassarily accedemic stuff. Maths and science don't intrest me. But I like learning about life and studying how we all live.
I like hearing things that I haven't heard before, that add a new thought to my head that I've never thought before. I like the thought of my mind slowly getting bigger and more open and welcoming to new things.
But I don't like people telling me thing's I've already heard.
I mean, like "facts"
not the sort that's like
" a fish has gills." (yes, a well known fact but hey ho.)
but the sort that's like
"you need to do well at your exams."
"it's important that you do well in your education so then you're set up for the rest of your life."
That's not fact. Well, I suppose you could say it is. But it's more like guidelines. One's I'd prefer not to follow. I mean, okay so I do want to do good at my exams. But after hearing things like this,
it makes me want to do awful. Stupid really.
"It's my life" and all.
But life doesn't revolve arounds school and getting a good education or good grades. And if it does, it sound's like a pretty poor life to me.
Without getting good grades,
you don't get a good job,
which means you don't get good money,
so you don't get all the stuff you "want" or "need."
Without money you can't get anywhere.
Well, if I donated all my money to charity right now, and sold everything I owned and gave away that money too. I could easily get to the next field and start a fresh. A little camp. My own way of living.
Well, they can't take away me. They can physically, but not mentally and not in the way that I can just pick myself up and start again. These things, grades, possessions, won't make you a person.
Here's something else that's been told a thousand and one times:
"it's on the inside that counts"
It does, but no one chooses to do anything with it.
When you can see into someone and see how beautiful they are, what do you do with it?
Store some kind of mental respect for them?
Well, I don't want to see someone for who they are. I just want to be able to get out of this cliche where everyone "live's life to the full" because it's not true. Not realistic.
You go to school, you get a good grade, you get a good job, you get good money, you get good stuff and you might be able to see a person for a person.
But still, none of this makes you a person.
So no, not until you can see you for you are you able to live your life to the fullest.
Until you can demolish the fear and knock down this barrier that we all hide behind.
Get shitty grades, don't get a job, have no money, no possessions, stop being able to judge other people, and be able to judge yourself.
I suppose that isn't really living either.
But what is?
Whats a middle way to how things are to how ^ that is?
Understanding that these things don't make us who we are and don't dominate our lives.
We obviously need good grades etc in order to get a fairly good deal in life, but we need to understand not to let this take over.
To not be able to look at someone and how beautiful they are for their appearence, for what they've achieved and so you gain respect for them, no.
I'm not going to tell you what we should do.
Or vice versa.
All I know, is that we should be happy with what we've already got
instead of getting a Grade A or alternatively a Grade U
or owning a big house in comparison to a small oneMoney doesn't grow on trees, and neither does happiness.
You have to work at being happy the way you would working for money.Maybe one day you'll realise that you can't have both
in a realistic world.
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