You have the right to remain silent,

anything you say will be misquoted and used against you.

In a world of nonsense, everything something is, it isn't, everything it would be wouldn't, and everything it wasn't, was.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Havent posted in a short while.

So, Friday. It seemed so long ago so lets see what I can remember!:]
Well, I know that we broke up for school for a week (yayyy) so we were in non uniform but I left my stupid art folder in school so i cant do any of the work set:|
In R.E. we watched the first episode of Glee. I have to say now, I am officially hooked. I went home and over the course of the weekend have seen 12 episodes out of the 13 of season one. Only four of these have been on TV as of yet, so I'm well ahead.
After school, I went home to my dad's house and played my guitar some more.
My dad attempted to give me fish for tea (I've been vegetarian for almost 4 years now,) so it didn't go down so well, and resulted in tears and a whole plate of food pilled high in the bin and was nearly sick. Thankyou, Dad.
Saturday, went shopping into macc and got myself a brand new jumper dress. My mum hates it and says its "too short" but Tom liked it and so do my friends so screw her. (love her with all my heart though!)
Sunday, Valentines day. So Tom came to mine and we had a perfect evening falling asleep in my room and watched Planet 51. He got my mum some flowers to make her feel better, which was lovely and cheered her up seen as she's been down alot lately. We ate ice cream and went through about 13080893 different accents. It's been four weeks now - basically a month, and I've been ever so happy ever since:) He got the train home at 11ish and I came home to watch more episodes of Glee!
Today, I was supposed to go into school at 9am ish to finish up on some ICT work. I was knackered though from watching glee till about 2 am and I hadn't done the work anyway and I really could not be arsed, so stayed in bed until 11 instead:)
Got up, had a bath and dossed around for a bit, downloading films and albums/artists and then went to meet Katie in sainsburys for cups of tea and a good chat:)
I miss her, I hardly see her anymore. She's my oldest friend and used to be my bestest, we could practically read each other. But somewhere along the lines we drifted abit. Although I still see her which is good and I hope I don't loose contact with her. We've been friends since we were about 4 and went through primary school together, and then split off to go to different high schools for a year. Until Katie left tythy and came to join in at Poynton :)!
So today was a nice day, sat in sainsburys talking and I realised how much things have changed.
How much I have changed.
And now, I'm not so sure if it's for the better or for the worse. I miss how I used to be, when I could practically wear whatever and not care cause that was my style.
My new friends at high school kinda shaped me a little, I mean, I still like all the stuff I used to, but I've grown more into that crowd now. I love them all though, I just regret changing myself so much.
I think it's time for a re-style. 
Stop wearing jeggins every day and a hoodie and get my style and uniqueness back.
So, as of yesterday, the non-jeggins began.
I wore my new jumper dress (that's like sailor themed, haha) and then today I wore a tight skirt with my over sized top tucked into it.
God know's what I'll wear tomorrow, I think I'll go shopping again, and hunt for some more clothes that can contribute to my new style. And a present for my mums birthday.
Also I'm downloading artists I never gave much thought to. Maybe I should buy myself a band tee?
I haven't been to a gig in a while either.
It's time for change, and to be honest, I'm quite looking forward to it:)