You have the right to remain silent,

anything you say will be misquoted and used against you.

In a world of nonsense, everything something is, it isn't, everything it would be wouldn't, and everything it wasn't, was.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Things I love.

1. Moisturiser.

2. Cups of tea.

3. Laughing with best friends.

4. Boys that look like this.

5. Individual people. 
6. Eccentric people ! 

7.That new book smell.

8. Going to gigs (preferably small ones, or ones not many people have heard of.)

9. Knowing all the words to a song/film

10. Going on a bus or train and not knowing where it might take you.
 11. Long car journeys.
12. Meeting new people and instanly getting on with them. 

13. Seeing graffiti as art.  

14. When you first buy makeup and its untouched. 
15. The smell of freshly washed clothes.
16. Inspiring people who make you want to make a difference.

 17. When you find a bargain on something that looks awesome.

20. Really big apologies.

21. Saying those words and meaning it.
22. People who use big words in sentances.

23. people who dress nerdy and people who are nerdy!  

24. Dressing up!
25. the quiet minded type        
 26. people watching
27. wanting to be able to read minds

28. getting lost in a book

29. decorating your bedroom wall with photos or things people have given you.

30. not having all the fancy stuff, but the stuff that does the job.

31. Old perks
 32. Completing a rubix cube.

33. Being organised in a messy room.

34. Knowing your friends house like your own.

35. Being a vegetarian.

36. Having a dream and then fulfilling it.

37. Learning to play an instrument.

38. Cutting your own hair when the hair dressers mess it up.

39. Sitting and watching time pass you by.

40. Plain background pictures.

41. hot bubbly baths with candles

42. Talking to animals and thinking they understand.
Open up your mind and see through your eyes, open up your eyes and maybe you won't want to see through your mind.

Shooting stars

I've never seen a shooting star. But I've been told that they're beautiful. I've been told you can make a wish on them. But what do you wish on, when it's to wish for a shooting star?

How many sugars do you like in your tea?

There's nothing to do. Zilch. I've been sat here plucking out all the clumps in my eyelashes for god knows how long and have come to the conclusion that yet again, I want some new clothes. No, I need some new clothes. I'd like to get something fancy like a big dress or something.

Maybe not quite that long though.

I thought this was quite nice :)

A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

-Sheelagh Lennon

I want it to be christmas.

I just found this.
Icicles hanging off my conservatory roof :)
Snow hardly ever shows its face around Macclesfield, but this year we went the whole hog and had 3 snow days off school!?
I hope for more snow in 2010, please:)

I wish I was the girl everyone thinks I am

Post secret.
I must admit I like reading them, it's nice to know that other people have
insecurities and
dark secrets