Okay, so here's something I feel strongly about. Peace, love and freedom. All have the ability to exist, but it doesn't;
Humanity, defined:
“The quality of being humane.”
But not all of us are humane.
People fight, kill, steal, take. Is that humanity?
Without walls, police, laws, Government, politics... would all the fighting happen?
Would there actually be such chaos as we're made to believe?
No. No because this is the way humanity has evolved. Rebelling one another. Because of the walls, police, the laws, the Governent and the politics. We are led to believe that without these laws, the orders, the world would be unhappy, chaotic, uncontrolable.
But it is not human nature to fight and hurt, so surely, left to our own devices (in certain circumstances when money has no value,) then humanity would be restored and fighting no more.
But we have this desire, this materialistic greed to feed ourselves full of things, possessions that we don't NEED. Convinced that we want them... Do we really have that desire? Or are we fed it, brainwashed into wanting it.
If we didn't thrive for such greed, then no one would fight.
For one, you wouldn't want the possessions, it wouldn't have a value to you.
So most certainly, you wouldn't want to fight for the possesions.
Everyone would be equal, everyone would love their neighbour. And so commense the peace.
But we're not equal.
We're living in a matrix. We are told;
- What we like,
- What we don't/shouldn't like
- what we 'need'
- what we 'should avoid'
We're stuck in this rat race. A life that to be honest, I don't see much point in.
Why do we buy things that we don't necassarily need. A TV, a laptop, a car, an ipod, a mobile phone... we can live without all of these things.
We are told what we need, what we want. These being the examples.
What about those before us, our ansestors, did they have a HD ready TV equipped with blueray DVD? Was their ipods pocket sized but able to hold all your favourite songs?
Maybe these are things to pass the time. Pass our lives away.
Just stuff to do. 'Entertainment'
Keep the human race occupied, satisfied.
We all do it. Right now, why are you reading this? wasting your time! your life!
Why am I wasting mine?
Why do we have different opinions?
The mind is a clever thing. Apparently there are parts of it we simply do not understand. But do you ever have the days where you can just fall into trance, thinking. So deep the noise around you fades out, it's just you and world and you're free to think what you want. In your own head; the why’s and what if's and scenarios of your favourite fantasies.
We don't know why we think these thoughts, but we do, and we can't stop them. So, I can't help but think there's more to life than this.
Than getting up every morning, getting dressed, doing hair, makeup, eating breakfast, going to school, working, coming home, going to sleep, then doing it all again.
I suppose all the in betweeny bits make it bareable.
It's so easy to get caught up in this clique.
All the energy we have that goes to waste. Humanity is slowly falling, so much so that we don't fit the description, the definition.
We should be doing something productive, not destroying one another. Not scoring points. Not portraying ourselves as something we're not.
Dying our hair, painting our faces, following fashions, idolising people who are the same as us- but appear on the TV and the papers.
Education and schooling are two different things. We're made to believe that school does good, teaches you and sets you up for the rest of your life.
But you shouldn't let this schooling ruin your education. Education never ends, learning everyday, about yourself, about life and the future and defining who you are. We're programmed from an early age, so is it vertially impossible to convert 'back'. I say 'back' because I don't know if we ever were free, but it sound's like it to me.
Everybody's clever, some are just ignorant to see this. No qualifications or grades can tell you that you're not. A grade can't tell you how clever your mind is. So why the hell do we accept such crap?
We're watched by CCTV , WATCHED. And yet we're told it's for our own good. It's for our protection and safety against each other.
Putting the thought into your head
that we must be dangerous.
Either that we already ARE dangerous, or just provoking us to be dangerous.
We believe complete strangers on TV. We obsess, idolise and follow people who are just as mundane and stuck as us. We pay money just to be alive! Just to "live."
To live.
"To enjoy life/to lead a particular type of existance."
We're not living, we're alive. We have a heart, a mind, a soul but we're not living.
We're trying to improve our own humanity by trying to learn from mistakes. You can only learn from your own mistakes though. But still, generation after generation, we try to improve styles of living. Or being alive anyway.
And for what exactly?
Why are certain people who are alive just like us, have more power? Are more superior?
Controling us, telling us what to do. And through fear, we obey.
We have to obey, we're scared of the consequences!
Scared to be put behind bars and locked away...
Look around, aren't we already put behind bars and locked away?
Our own souls can't escape, trapped by walls and distracted by misleading advertisements.
And the worst part is,
we're tricked into thinking we have a choice of freedom!
If we ever had even a slight choice to be free, then why is no one free?
We're thrown into this greedy world as soon as we're born.
Rules that you must obey. Wear clothes!
they say, you must wear clothes.
And by giving us the choice and freedom,
they give us fashions. Different types of clothes to experiment with our individuality.
Go to school!
And so, the choice of heaps and heaps of schools are presented before you. So much choice, where to go? !
It suddenly becomes okay. Fashion and choice of schooling seems okay now. But that's not all. Everything obeys this rule, just look around.
There was, once upon a time,a life without money, before cars and programmed people. Brainwashed. Well now, we're starting to realise. To wake up, where the hell have we been? And why are we doing these things?
But then we ignore it.
It's too late to change all these things now. So I'll go to school.
I'll get a good grade and carry on my education, get a job, get a house, a car, a partner, children and live
'happily ever after.'
Bet that isn't the first time you've heard that. Do you believe it?
Like really believe it, that in this world you can have happy endings?
This is so normal to us now, that the thought of change frightens us. We don't know any else than all this that we're told, brought up with. So we continue to eat up the lies, lie to ourselves until it becomes so convincingly real.
But we need to make a change, you want this to go on forever?
You think you're happy? Like this? Told to be happy. Routined, prgrammed, made, designe into this society thinking you're happy. But you know that happiness isn't a lie.
You can feel how it feels to be happy. You just know when you're happy.
So look outside, do you feel a gush of happiness. Content with your life and how it's going?
Imagine life without the walls and the darkness, indulge in fields of freedom and true true happiness. No, I'm not asking for all that hippie stuff with vans and peace signs and over loving one another. Just for what makes you happy. Beyond imaginable. Your friends and family gathered together? Or all these material possessions.
Big houses, posh cars, laptops, phones, success, friends, family, love,food, water, sleep, TV, your favourite show, music, games, socialising, chocolate, drinking, smoking, drugs.
All of these you can put in categories; the 'essentials' , the 'wants' , the 'needs' , the illegal (and the legal) what you like, what you dislike.
Ever noticed though,
that the majority of people,
would put (most) of these things under what they like.
You all like the same thing.
We, all like the same things.
So, why is this then?
Well, think about how they're advertised.
Big houses for example are assosiated with good, free and a happy life.
Drugs for example are assosiated with bad (people,)unhappiness, and all things dark and gloomy.
This is because you're made to think this way. Brought up in a world of false advertising.
A false sense of security.
Going back to the 'dangerous' point earlier;
..."that we must be dangerous.
Either that we already ARE dangerous, or just provoking us to be dangerous."
So, there is a point in every human's life where there is a rebellious point. If we are provoked, then such things that are portrayed as bad suddenly become appealing. So, when we have our 'rebellion' our automatic reaction is to take these bad things (ie drugs, drinking..) as a "FUCK YOU SOCIETY" or just to get some realisation. Maybe to try and have a good time, to ease any pain that for some unfortunate reason your life might have. And for many other reasons.
This is you, reaching out.
But you are told you are bad, and you need help.
You do need help, but in different ways. You need to understand what you're mind is telling you. Why are you trying to rebel against what you've been brought up to believe is bad?
There is no god, say some. And some say there is.
The religious people and the non religious all have this faith.
Religious have faith, beliefs. They follow and are misled.
Non-religious also have faith, they believe NOT to believe. They follow each other and are also, misled.
See, even those who dont believe are categorised. Their own beliefs are not to believe!
So, there is no such thing as "not believing" anymore.
So please tell me, believers and non believers of this democratic country, tell me why do you choose to believe anything?
Believing in lies, happiness and beliefs.
Why do you live, day in, day out, obviously thinking that you're living with freedom, or, at least, thinking that if you wanted to - you could live with freedom.
That if you wanted to, you could pack up the neccesaties you need to survive and live in a field in the middle of no where.
That isn't freedom, that's just avoiding.
But, if you still believe that if you wanted to be free, then you would be.
So why aren't you?
...Do you not want to be free?
What about those who
know that you're not free. You know that the concept of freedom is in fact the choice of enslavement. You know, deep down, something isn't right. But you feel there's nothing you can do to change it? Or if its
worth changing.
Well, happiness is worth alot.
So, think of the things that we believe make us happy.
What makes you happy?
Think of these things again. Really think.
Now, think about what I've said.
About the things that we THINK make us happy,
aren't they just lies?
that are just penetrated into us so much that some how, some where the lie started to be convincing enough to be true?
the things that we like, think that these could actually make us sad
everything is lies
we're forced to think this way.
so we can all form together
but we are spoilt with choice
to make us think we are free
when we are not.
So if there is to be a revalation, a change.
Then a big difficulty, is to over come what really does make us happy.
There is no point in being free, if we are not happy.
Because then it is better to be stuck in an unfree environment- but at least be so convinced that we're happy that it's not far from the truth anymore.
And what about the truth? How are we going to defy the lines between the truth and the lies?
What will we gain from being free?
Just the satisfaction of winning to be ourselves?
Will we ever understand our conciousness?
Will we find out why the human race is really
Will we all talk and walk in the same footsteps and lose our opinions or will it start all over again?
And what about those who prefer the structured life. The rules and being told what to do by people who are no superior to them, but somehow have all the power.
But just think;
If we were to be free, how would it feel?
If all wars stopped,
no fighting,
just love
and peace
and time isn't strained upon us
to come home and go to sleep and get up
time doesn't matter
only when the stars appear will we know that we've passed another day.
Who knows what this could feel like.
Maybe the word's haven't been invented, and maybe they never will.
But that's okay, I'm not asking for you to believe me. But why do you believe all these others and not me? Has not one word of this reached out to you?
If it hasn't, why have you wasted such time reading it?
If the words didn't grab you, relate to you.
We need to demolish this wall of fear that people have built for us. But there isn't the evidence of the whereabouts to this wall. But we are all aware of it.
Do you ever get a kick out of rebelling against society?
Writing on the walls that close you in.
Arguing with police officers- why're they against you? they're human too?
We're all humans.
We are all equal.
But we are not.
Lets restore humanity.
If you have had any of the thoughs that I have expressed, then doesn't that prove something?
Okay, I might not be right with any of this,
I might not be wrong either.
Maybe there isn't a wrong or a right. But there has got to be something, that you agree with.
Or can vaguely see where I'm coming from. I'm sorry for wasting your time otherwise.